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 A problem with the roof inside catching the material

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Lou Whiting

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A problem with the roof inside catching the material Empty
PostSubject: A problem with the roof inside catching the material   A problem with the roof inside catching the material EmptySun Aug 07, 2011 11:26 pm

Has anyone else got a Danbury T2 and had problems with the back part of the roof on the inside? When you lower the roof the rear LHS (as you face the front) has a bolt attachment to hold the stanchion in place. The bolt attachment has eaten into the carpet, wood and even made 2 small holes in the roof material and the campers are only 3 months old. You can prevent this by really pulling the roof forward but I think it slips back as driving. A rubber backing would sort it. Just wondered if anyone else has thsi?

Lou Whiting
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A problem with the roof inside catching the material Empty
PostSubject: Re: A problem with the roof inside catching the material   A problem with the roof inside catching the material EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 7:31 am

Lou Whiting wrote:
the campers are only 3 months old

I suggest you take this particular Kombi back to Danbury for them to check the fitting of the roof and make necessary rectifications.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

A problem with the roof inside catching the material Melogo11
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A problem with the roof inside catching the material Empty
PostSubject: Re: A problem with the roof inside catching the material   A problem with the roof inside catching the material EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 9:39 am

I think I know what you mean.

When inside the Kombi, looking at the back, the bracket that attaches the hydraulic rod to the raising roof on the rhs, has taken a 'bite' out of the surround that it meets when the roof is lowered.

This has happenned on ours too when the roof was lowered and wasn't forward enough to clear the surround, we were parked on a slight slope which forced the roof slightly further back than it should have been. No holes in the roof material though as we always make sure it is tucked in and can't catch on anything sharp.

When the roof is fully closed and as far forward as it can go there is only a very small clearance (5mm ish?) so the roof only has to be out by a very small amount to 'catch'.

If the roof straps are securely fastened the roof shouldn't move when driving.

I would add a picture but Tallulah is away for the week.

Twitter: @AlpineGrove
                                                      Former owners of the amazing Tallulah (2011 to 2021)
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Cabin : Flight 001
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A problem with the roof inside catching the material Empty
PostSubject: Re: A problem with the roof inside catching the material   A problem with the roof inside catching the material EmptyMon Aug 08, 2011 11:55 am

2 rules of thumb with the Danbury poptop:

1. Always raise/lower the front of the roof first.
2. Always ensure the canvas is outside of the frame and cannot be trapped.

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

A problem with the roof inside catching the material Melogo11
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