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 Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY

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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
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Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Empty
PostSubject: Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY   Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY EmptyMon May 24, 2010 2:40 pm

A couple of BVWBayers have recently gone for the JK front seat under rubber mats. They are custom fit and undoubtedly do a great job. But they cost £50 and once they're in they're permanent as you need to undo the seat belt retaining bolt near the B-pillar, feed the mat under it and then retighten the bolt. I wanted a similar item that could be removed at anytime a) to clean it and b) to inspect that flat area of the wheel arch as it is prone to corrosion from underneath. See the story about that here:Corrosion Trouble Spots

So I found a couple of rubber mats that I bought a while back at Halfords - I remember they cost £1.99 each at the time. They measure 53.5cm x 36.5cm and have a height of about 4mm. Perfect for a custom job. All I needed for the project was a Stanley knife, a ruler and a wax crayon.

The pictures tell the rest of the story:

Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Slidea10Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Slidea11Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Slidea12Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Slidea13Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Slidea14

I love it when a plan works out. The nearside is a mirror image of the offside mat. So I can stand on these whilst washing the roof or if I get a roof rack for loading it. They fit snugly between the seat runner and the braiding grip. Then whenever I feel the need they can be whipped out for a clean and to check the metalwork underneath. Basketball

Here are the dimensions if you want to make your own:
Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Dimens10

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Melogo11
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Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY   Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY EmptyWed May 26, 2010 9:07 pm

Fab job Tim, looks really smart. Another job on the to-do list!!


Ko Lanta, the island of my dreams . . . .
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Cabin : Flight 001
Location : Brighton, East Sussex U.K.
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Join date : 2009-09-27

Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY   Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY EmptyWed May 26, 2010 9:30 pm

Ta Kaz!

Max SportsKombi - The Bay Racer Wink

Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Melogo11
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Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY   Wheel arch rubber mat install - EASY EmptySat Aug 21, 2010 10:29 am

I'm gonna do this. Excellent idea
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