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 Replacing sink with some shelving

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Cabin : Exec 025
Location : Esher, Surrey
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 11:36 am

Hi all

We have a classic Danbury sink / cooker set up. We find we don't really use this sink and so want someone to take this out and replace with some drawers so that we have some more storage space.

Can anyone recommend anyone in the South East that could do this?


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Cabin : Exec 003
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 12:13 pm

Richard, your not far from VWKampers down in Sussex, might be worth speaking to them. They advertise on here.
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Cabin : Exec 025
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 2:42 pm

Thanks Nick. VW Kampers said they can't help me as they don't have the Danbury wood..

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Cabin : Flight 001
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 4:24 pm

I'd be tempted to not remove the sink tbh. It's a feature of the Rio conversion and by doing so you'll devalue your campervan. Can you not just fill the area with a Tupperware box of some description? You certainly can take out the water reservoir for the sink to make use of that cupboard space.

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Replacing sink with some shelving Melogo11
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Cabin : Exec 025
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyThu Jun 26, 2014 4:31 pm

You know my missus Tim....!
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Cabin : Exec 003
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyFri Jun 27, 2014 11:53 am

You could probably match the timber from a DIY store, after all it's a beach effect laminated style. You could then make it up to your own design, bespoke like!
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Cabin : Exec 013
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyFri Jun 27, 2014 11:56 am

We had a buddy box made locally and it was impossible to perfectly match the original wood. The one they made is as close as they could get it but it looks fine.

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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 8:07 pm

Scooby would also suggest the non-removal of the sink.
Doo you not have enough space with a Rio layout?
We've been away for a couple of weeks without storage problems - buddy seat was full though  Wink
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 3:20 pm

I third the removal of the sink. Think you need to keep it for the re-sale of this Van!!
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Cabin : Exec 025
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 4:57 pm

Thanks all. Not too bothered about the resale value. Don't intend to sell !

Will let you know how I get on...

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Cabin : Exec 002
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 5:17 pm

It may be worth looking at a way to fit the shelvingvin a way you can easilly swap back to a sink if you do ever decide to sell.

I have a fold away sink fitted in mine and to be honest I'm with you, we never use ours either

Replacing sink with some shelving Img_4810

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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving EmptyThu Jul 03, 2014 12:28 am

I dont understand, where do you guys brush your teeth and empty your kettle? Campervans should surely have everything including the kitchen sink!
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Replacing sink with some shelving Empty
PostSubject: Re: Replacing sink with some shelving   Replacing sink with some shelving Empty

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