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 Plastic 'coving' Panel

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Surfwagen Stan

Surfwagen Stan

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Plastic 'coving' Panel Empty
PostSubject: Plastic 'coving' Panel   Plastic 'coving' Panel EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 11:39 am

Has any one removed the plastic panel that runs around the inside of the van, above the windows but below the roof. It's the panel that contains the wiring for the spot, strip light and speakers.

I'm looking to poke some cables behind it but can't work out how its fitted.

Any ideas?


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Plastic 'coving' Panel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plastic 'coving' Panel   Plastic 'coving' Panel EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 12:04 pm

Screws. There are some with cover caps on I think, but the curtain rails will probably need to be removed too, and maybe the spot and strip lights and speakers if you want to remove them completely.

I've got a set of cable rods that I've used to feed cables into places with limited access, they work a treat. Think I got them from Screwfix, £20 or so, they're a real time saver.

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Plastic 'coving' Panel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plastic 'coving' Panel   Plastic 'coving' Panel EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 12:49 pm

I got a set of rods from Maplin. They came free with a set of VDE screwdrivers on special offer, but as Tallulah says they are really handy. I have used them for all sorts of different jobs, and even at £6.00, they are worth it, they soon pay for themselves.
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Cabin : Flight 044
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Plastic 'coving' Panel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plastic 'coving' Panel   Plastic 'coving' Panel EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 2:12 pm

Surfwagen Stan wrote:
Has any one removed the plastic panel that runs around the inside of the van, above the windows but below the roof.  It's the panel that contains the wiring for the spot, strip light and speakers.

I'm looking to poke some cables behind it but can't work out how its fitted.

Any ideas?


Have you tried tying some string to a hamster? Boeing used to use ferrets, but they might be a bit big. Somebody will probably have one at the Northern Meet! Laughing
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Cabin : Exec 018
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Plastic 'coving' Panel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plastic 'coving' Panel   Plastic 'coving' Panel EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 4:18 pm

Just had a quick look at mine while I was doing something else SS, it looks as though, as Tallulah says, it is held on with  capped screws along the bottom edge.

However, the top edge now looks like it has been boxed in by the frame for the raising roof, so without major surgery it seems you will have to feed the wires through. The good news is the holes at the rear end are reasonably large, and the one behind the strip light is plenty big enough to get a rod through.

Plastic 'coving' Panel Imgp2415

If you haven't yet taken the strip light off, and it is the same as mine, it is a keyhole slot over a screw, and the whole fitting needs to be slid gently to the left.
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Cabin : Flight 044
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Plastic 'coving' Panel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plastic 'coving' Panel   Plastic 'coving' Panel EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 4:36 pm

"the one behind the strip light is plenty big enough to get a rod through" or a hamster!
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Plastic 'coving' Panel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plastic 'coving' Panel   Plastic 'coving' Panel EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 4:55 pm

I used rods when I fitted the internal LEDs.


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Surfwagen Stan

Surfwagen Stan

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Plastic 'coving' Panel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Plastic 'coving' Panel   Plastic 'coving' Panel EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 8:06 pm

Thanks for all your help. I took off the strip light expecting to find a screw but nothing. I will try the curtain rails next, then go for the rods. Perhaps being down south I could use some the Tube track mice!!
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